Your Body Weight Doesn't Matter
Have you ever wondered what the number on the scale actually means? The answer lies within your body composition.
Unlocking the Mystery of Metabolism: How to Improve Yours
In fitness, you hear about "metabolism" a lot. It's how your body uses food for energy. More clarity about metabolism needs to be provided.
Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which is More Effective for Improving Body Composition?
Do you enjoy strength training, cardio, HIIT, or yoga? Each offers specific advantages for your body's fat, muscle mass, and bone density.
Losing Fat and Losing Weight Are Not the Same Thing: Understand the Difference
Is your goal to lose fat or to lose weight?Is there even a difference? Â
5 Reasons to Get Your Bod in the Pod
BodPod body composition analysis is the world’s gold standard for fast, accurate and safe body composition assessment.
Why You Should Incorporate Deload Weeks into Your Fitness Training Routine
We all know that we want to progressively make our training a little hard over time, but we can't always be pushing the envelope week after
Fixing Your Metabolism: 4 Steps to Lasting Results
If you want the pounds gone for good you’re going to have to build a metabolism to stand the test of time.
Tips and Tricks to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau
Tackle the nagging subject of weight loss plateaus and get over yours using these 10 tried and true tips!
The Sports Nutrition Pyramid
Sports nutrition doesn’t have to be all or nothing—there are plenty of steps between!
BOD POD vs. DEXA: Which is best for body fat analysis?
BodPod vs. Dexa, which is a best fit for you and your goals? #bodpodrichland can help you on your wellness journey!