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Fixing Your Metabolism: 4 Steps to Lasting Results

Let’s challenge what you know about your metabolism. The truth is, your metabolism works quite differently than you realize. You’ve likely seen the results of high-profile individuals, from celebrities to pro athletes. Ever wonder how they got those ultra-coveted physiques? It’s probably not how you’d think.

The Truth About Weight Loss Exposed

The key to long-lasting weight loss is to build your very own killer metabolism. If you want the pounds gone for good you’re going to have to build a metabolism to stand the test of time.

A lot of times, when I see individuals in my office, I will ask them what their current diet looks like. What they typically tell me is “chicken, rice and broccoli” along with some other various items throughout the day. Likely, they have read some article that states they will look like a bodybuilder or athlete if they eat this every day. Is this true?

In a single word — “Nope.”

Realistically, if you’re used to ordering cheeseburgers by the dozen and drinking soda pop from a trough, making the switch to clean foods will help. However, the real reason physique athletes get ultra-lean for a competition isn’t the boiled chicken. It’s because they built a killer metabolism in the off-season while eating more and training. It’s easy to shed fat on 1500 - 2000 calories when you’re used to eating twice that.

See why puddle hopping from one diet plan to another isn’t going to work? If your metabolism feels like it’s running slow —it probably is. Going from one restrictive program to the next is only going to make it worse and lead to more weight gain.

Here are four ways to make sure this doesn’t happen to you:

1. Break up your weight loss

If you have a lot of weight to lose or you’re already dealing with a slowed metabolism from dieting – you’re going to need to break up your weight loss. Trying to lose all your weight in one push will grind your metabolism into the ground. You’ll end up paying for your lighter body with a slower metabolic rate. Don’t do it. You’ll gain your weight back and it will be even harder your next attempt.

Break your weight loss up. Not sure how much you can lose in one push, no problem – your body will tell you. Reduce the amount of food you’re used to eating modestly. Track your weight and maintain objectivity. If you’re losing weight don’t try to speed it up by eating even less. Decrease food ONLY when weight loss stops, not slows.

Break from weight loss before breaching the “gimmick” threshold. “I can lose more weight if I stick to pickled eggs and seltzer water or eat everything in a 25-minute window.” You’ll be turning your metabolism into a Flea Catcher, not a Whale Hunter (pun intended). Instead, pause the weight loss, eat slightly more food and up your exercise. A few days later, rinse and repeat. Once your weight is stable at a high-calorie range (for you), you’re ready to push for more weight loss - not before.

Our bodies are not designed to be in a caloric-deficit for years and years on end. When we learn to work with our body instead of against it, we are able to make more progress and achieve results that last instead of gaining and losing the same 10 pounds or more.

2. Eat more frequently

The key is getting your body used to more food without gaining fat. There are two tricks here. First, increase food slowly. Second, increase meal frequency rather than adding more calories to the same meals. It makes it easier to add calories without storing fat.

Additionally, eating more frequently allows for a more stable blood sugar level throughout the day which prevents the hangry feeling or crash you get during mid-afternoon. We all know that mid-afternoon slump does not help us to make the best nutrition choices!

3. Prioritize your time

I have been coaching clients in fitness and nutrition for a very long time. Ready for the secret of people who are successful long-term versus short? Here it is —Time Management.

With one glance at your phone you could tell me exactly what you’ll be doing tomorrow at 10 AM. But if I were to ask you what you’re planning to eat for lunch tomorrow you likely wouldn’t know.

Fix that —and while you’re at it, prepare a couple of snacks along with your lunch in advance, it will change your life.

4. Think locomotive, not bow and arrow

The fitness and nutrition industries need to move away from short-lived get-thin-quick solutions that treat the symptom and not the cause. There needs to be movement toward truthful and transparent education surrounding how the metabolism actually works.

Currently, the prevailing weight loss model is a bow and arrow approach. The arrow shoots out of the bow with speed and enthusiasm but in a few seconds, it crashes to the ground. Diets act the same way.

Learn from the locomotive. It takes a lot more energy and effort to get it moving but once it gains momentum it’s unstoppable. Focus your efforts on building that killer metabolism and you’ll eventually gain enough momentum to transform in a lasting way.

Are you interested in learning how to Master Your Metabolism once and for all? Make sure you are a part of the Master Your Metabolism community where you can receive recipes, meal plans, grocery lists and exclusive challenges to help keep you accountable and motivated!

All content of this blog is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You

must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this blog.

Kelly Sherman, MS, NC, CGP, CPT, is a licensed nutritionist specializing in empowering women to reclaim their health by cutting through misinformation and ditching the diet culture. She has a master’s degree in nutrition and is degreed in exercise science as well as a certified personal trainer. With over 20 years of experience in the field, she combines the best of both nutrition and exercise sciences to best help her clients reach their potential. To nourish is to flourish!

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