Are your current routines and habits helping or hindering your progress?
Warning! Things are about to get real. It’s time for some tough love, friends. Sticking with your goals, whether they be health related, work related or a personal bucket list item, is really difficult to do. It is hard to see it through to the end and be motivated and excited about them throughout the ups and downs of the journey!
So how do we find motivation when motivation is lacking? I’m going to encourage you to do a little bit of self-reflection on your goals or on one of your goals. Get out your pen and paper (or your laptop) and get ready to really consider your goal, its importance to you and what it will take to get there.
Recently, I discovered a new concept in goal setting and attainment: commitment versus attachment. Originally, I thought “yeah, I’m committed to my goal. Why set a goal if you aren’t committed to it?” But then I started to dig a little deeper and consider the difference between being attached to my goal and being committed to it.
Having attachment to your goal means you're assigning it meaning. You believe that accomplishing it or failing in the attempt will mean something about YOU. You're attached to the outcome because you're using it as evidence to be allowed to believe _____.
Commitment to your goal, on the other hand, means you'll figure it out no matter what. Commitment just means you won't quit before you get there, no matter how long it takes. You're married to the journey.
Commitment is where your goal is there to help you become the kind of person who doesn't give up.
Attachment is where you've decided that your goal defines something about you.
Commitment requires patience and acceptance of failures along the way. Attachment requires you to beat yourself up every step of the way.
Commitment is gathering data. Attachment is now or never.
Oh man. That can be intense. While we want to be committed, a lot of times we are actually attached to our goals. So how do we move past attachment and into commitment?
Remember: having attachment to your goal means you're assigning it meaning. You believe that accomplishing it or failing in the attempt will mean something about YOU. You're attached to the outcome because you're using it as evidence to be allowed to believe _____.
Commitment to your goal, on the other hand, means you'll figure it out no matter what. Commitment just means you won't quit before you get there. No matter how long it takes.
Read and re-read that as many times as you need. Slow down and read it again.
Now consider a goal that you’ve set for yourself. How committed are you to it, on a scale of 1-10?
Why is your commitment level where you assigned it (1-10)? If your level of commitment was a 10, how would you think, feel or act different?
Pull out that journal and get to writing and reflecting for 10-15 minutes. Get to the heart of your “why”—why you set this goal to begin with—and what it might mean if you don’t meet this goal by your set timeline.
If you are setting SMART goals, you should have a measurable amount of time to meet this goal. What does it mean if you don’t meet it? What would it mean if you do meet it?
Don’t just blow it off. Get specific. Take actionable steps to move towards your goal by being committed to it—doing what it takes to meet that goal no matter what.
If your goal has to do with health and wellness, are your current routines and habits helping or hindering your progress? Do you need help in getting there? Ask for help! Identify who can help you and invest in that help.
In my office, I often see people who want help, but think it’s silly to invest in it because they believe they should be able to do it on their own. There are a myriad of reasons you should invest in help. With regards to improved nutrition, here are reasons people choose to hire a consultant:
Proper nutrition is confusing and the message is often muddled.
To learn how the body uses food
Accountability & motivation
To get an individual approach.
To learn to respect your body and yourself.
A support system for positive lifestyle change.
Weight loss the safe way!
Do any of these ring true for you? Do you identify with any of them? If so, reach out! Be committed to your goal and figure out a way to get there no matter what!
Kelly Sherman, MS, NC, CGP, CPT, is a holistic sports nutritionist specializing in athletes transitioning from high school athletics to college athletics. She has a master’s degree in nutrition and is degreed in exercise science as well as a certified personal trainer. With over 20 years of experience in the field, she combines the best of both nutrition and sports sciences to best help her clients reach their potential. To nourish is to flourish!
All content of this blog is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this blog