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Looking forward to 2021

So 2020 has been difficult all around for everyone, hasn't it? Any goals we may have had in January are understandably a faded memory. Did anyone else start the year with plans to eat better, exercise more, maybe run a 5k or meditate and pray more only to be blindsided with a global pandemic in March that completely derailed your efforts? Did anyone else try to get back on track time and time again? I know I did! The year presented numerous challenges to us all and is a great example of how our journey to better health, wellness and fitness is not linear. There are always detours, things that throw us off course, distractions, frustrations, etc.

Where does that leave us for 2021 when we have so many unknowns still facing us? How do we set goals and make the most with what we have access to or what we can do given restrictions in various parts of the country? In January 2021, I challenge you not to set a goal of weight loss, exercising 7 days a week or restrictive eating. This past year has been unkind to us both physically and emotionally. I challenge you to use 2021 to focus on your own health. What habits can you incorporate one at a time to nourish your mind, soul and body?

We've been through a pretty traumatic year, haven't we? If a friend had been through a year like we just had and you hadn't (ah, that's a nice thought, right?), what would you tell your friend? Wouldn't you encourage them to practice some healing and self-care? You wouldn't tell them to jump on the treadmill 7 days a week and to eat rabbit food (or at least I hope you wouldn't). You would encourage them to take some time to decompress and to heal. So why not do the same for yourself?

If you are needing some help along that journey of self care a wellness, I encourage you to check out my RESTART program. RESTART focuses on both emotional relationships with food as well as nourishing your body with real food. Isn't it time for a change? Time to focus on you and your own nourishment? You deserve it. Visit my website for more information or contact me for more information on how to become a client.

Your time is now. Change your health and do something positive to start off the new year.

About Kelly Sherman, MS, NC, CGP, NSCA-CPT Kelly Sherman is a nutrition consultant who is passionate about helping others optimize their health and reach their goals through simple nutrition and education. Understanding the "why" is just as important as understanding what to eat. She specializes in sports nutrition, autoimmune disease and gut health. Kelly has a master's degree in holistic nutrition and is a certified gluten-free practitioner. Her background in both fitness and nutrition allows her to marry the best of both worlds to help clients lead a more vibrant life.


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